Why OutSystems?

OutSystems is a high-performance low-code platform that achieves serious productivity, creating serious apps with continuous innovation. Every aspect of OutSystems is designed from the ground up to help organizations develop, deliver, and evolve compelling applications that drive innovation at the pace that business requires.

Easily build, deploy and manage the software that makes a difference

OutSystems Platform is an AI-driven, high-productivity toolset that automates and simplifies the software development process while enabling organizations to embark on their digital initiatives successfully.

success in the digital age requires innovation at speed and scale

Today’s competitive environment is driving organizations’ digital transformation. In a fast-paced, ever-changing marketplace, the organizations that cannot keep up will fall behind. Hence, speed to market and speed to change are key competitive differentiators in a digital economy. The OutSystems platform allows businesses to meet three development imperatives for success in the digital age: Build it fast, build it right, build for the future.

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Build It fast

A visual, model-driven development environment with industry-leading AI-based assistance ensures apps are built in days or weeks instead of months or years.

Platform services provide automation enhancing the entire application lifecycle so apps can be deployed with a single click and managed with unparalleled ease.


Build it right

At the heart of the OutSystems platform are integrated tools and automation services that ensure enterprise-grade, cloud-native applications are secure, resilient, manageable, and built to scale.

All the steps in the application lifecycle are automated and simplified. Thus, developers and architects can avoid lengthy, laborious dependency checking and debugging processes and get their mobile and web apps to market faster. 


build for the future

OutSystems was designed from the beginning to ensure that applications can evolve quickly, enabling success regardless of whether business imperatives shift due to competitors, economics, disruption, or capturing new opportunities.

It supports continuous change with a fully automated continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline to deliver code changes more frequently and reliably. 

OutSystems Platform FEatures in a Nutshell

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Full-stack Visual Development

Drag-and-drop UI, business processes, logic, and data models enable the rapid development of full-stack, cross-platform apps.

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Deploy and update apps with 1-click. OutSystems automatically checks dependencies and handles all database scripts and deployment processes.

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Effortlessly build great-looking multiple-device mobile apps with offline data synchronization, native device access, and on-device business logic.

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OutSystems focuses on scalability with an architecture that supports a wide range of options, including vertical and horizontal scalability. A simple departmental app can grow to a large deployment supporting millions of users without additional development.

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OutSystems is built from the ground up to ensure applications are secure from design time and throughout deployment and operations. To ensure high-security standards for generated applications, OutSystems leverages security assessment tools as part of every product release's automated quality assurance process.

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OutSystems integrates with whatever technology you have in-house, allowing you to extend its functionality. Integration with SOAP and REST services and SAP systems is built-in, and OutSystems generates all the methods and data structures, significantly reducing time and effort and eliminating errors.

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Low code lets you design, execute, manage, and optimize digital business processes. Your organization can have business processes up and running 10x faster.